Monday, April 16, 2007

A request for PBKids

First, I have to say that I LOVE Pottery Barn Kids. I love the furniture, I love the toys, I love the bedding, and now I love the clothes they have. What I do not love, however, are the directions they include to build their furniture. First, if you're paying whatever ridiculous sum of money to purchase a crib, bookcase, nightstand, should come assembled. Knowing that it didn't, I still chose to purchase it because (well, I got 40% off from a friend) remember, I love their things. I, however, am a word person not a picture person. I wrote a dissertation in words, not in cave drawings. I could not follow the pictorial directions to assemble that dumb bookcase. I had to remind myself that it was not very maternal to swear like a sailor while creating a nursery for my child. I put it together, realized the shelves were on backward, said some not so nice words, cut my hand trying to unscrew the bolts from the death grip, and then recreated it from what I thought it should look like, not the directions. Problem solved. Zoe now has a nightstand and a bookcase. I will tackle the crib next with Eric's help (he was taping the room for painting while I was doing the bookshelf....but did help when I had my minor meltdown about putting it together backward....he's a saint).

I'm at work now with no picture access, but my next post will include pictures of the adorable clothes Zoe received in the mail from our friends Karen and Shawn. It was Zoe's first mail! Thank you guys!

We also returned our referral acceptance to Great Wall. They received it and processed it today. They will send it off to China tomorrow. With the May holiday we do not know when we will get our travel approval, but we are hoping to travel the last week of May/first week of June. If we travel then or later I will be able to stay home with Zoe all summer and not have to go back until after her 1st birthday on Labor Day!


EJ said...

Oh Kristi, I am so sorry that PBK didn't have any useful directions. I don't know why companies make it so difficult for the consumer! How exciting you are finally getting to put the nursery together! I cant wait to see pictures sometime!!

Karen said...

That is too bad that you had such a tough time putting things together. I'm the complete opposite as you, I don't like reading directions, I follow the pictures. If you need help with anything let us know.

Anonymous said...


Don't feel bad, I actually believe that directions should have obsenity suggestions after each step.

Step 1) Place Medium Flat 1.a.c screw in B12 narrow shelve.

Manufactures Suggestion - "Oh $#*@ing 1.a.c you got to be ^!$&ing me."

See with this in place you can spend more time focusing on what is important. Locating the recessed interlocking 4.c.12.b shelf mount which should be partially screwed into the semi-narrow shelf which just so happens to look exactly like the formentioned narrow shelf - oh hell!!!!

If you need any help let me know. Remember Karen and I are from NY we can help, fugettaboutit.


Anonymous said...

Shawn - you are too funny! I am sure once all the PB stuff is put together it will be gorgeous - I drool over their catalogue. My cousin bought a whole Madison line for her kid's playroom and got MY dad to go to her house to assemble it - something is wrong with that picture. Kristi - you were funny about your sailor talk while putting together a nursery. I think our baby room has heard just a few expletives in the process. Can't wait to see the painting, furniture etc.