Friday, June 8, 2007

We made it to Guangzhou!

Yesterday was Zoe's first plane flight. She was so wonderful. Didn't even cry or fuss which makes me think that she doesn't have an ear infection after all. My ears seemed to hurt worse than hers. Eric and I had to sit apart so she was all mine for the approx. 2 hour flight. We sat next to a wonderful Chinese young woman who spoke English beautifully. She asked why we chose China and about the adoption process (e.g. Is it harder to get an American baby than a Chinese baby?). She told me that she and her husband are hoping to start a family soon so she went to get the license from the government giving her permission to have a baby. It was a very interesting conversation.

On our last day in Nanchang we just did a little shopping. Zoe had slept 12 hours the night before so her schedule was a bit off. I hope she's trying to kick this cold. I don't really want to put her on the antibiotics. I can tell I'm getting her cold and while it feels icky, it also feels run of the mill so far. We just want to get her home. Driving into Guangzhou seems like paradise compared to Nanchang. We booked a suite at the White Swan and it is about the nicest room I've ever stayed in. We got in so late last night that I had about 30 Pringles and 3 Oreos for dinner. I can't wait to try the breakfast buffet I've heard so much about.

We have to get Zoe up to start her day. Today is the "medical" exam, which from what I hear is a joke. China must be on to all the bloggers here. We could all view our blogs until a couple of days ago, but now we can only post to them. Sorry no pictures, I'll try to do better later :)


Karen said...

Glad to hear you made it safe and sound.

Remember to take Airborne. :)

EJ said...

So happy to hear Zoe did so well on her first flight!! Enjoy the White Swan!!


Melanie & David said...

Yeah - closer to home. There are all sorts of blogger issues going on. It's freaking me out. We can't post any photos right now and I hope that we figure this out before China. Enjoy the luxury of the White Swan. Love, M & D.

Mary Jo said...


Zoe is such a wonderful daughter to know how to fly with her parents! Do not worry about if she needs an antibiotic...Parenthood is full of the worries! Take care of your cold too!!

Can't wait to meet Zoe and see you all when you return!

Mary Jo

Unknown said...

Are those kids pants supposed to be split like that.... diaper free?