Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Brave Girl

Yesterday we took Zoe to get the bloodwork done she needs to check her health and to make sure that the vaccinations she received in China were effective. She was such a trooper. There were two kids before her who just screamed and screamed...but were too dehydrated to get their blood drawn. We were very nervous. Well, Zoe screamed but we were able to get the first 1/2 of the testing done. She was such a brave girl. We should have the results by our growth check appointment on Friday. I put her on a scale (not a terribly reliable one) and it said she was now 16.5 pounds which would mean she's gained a pound in a week and a half. She's definitely filling out, but I'm not sure she's gained that much :) After the lab appointment we took her to the mall to get her a baby laptop. She loves pushing the keys on the expensive one so we thought she might enjoy it...she does. However, she fell asleep on the car ride to the mall and Eric and I were able to enjoy a nice lunch (relatively kid free as she slept in the stroller) at the Cheesecake Factory. Funny how your relationship changes after a baby, we finally get a free moment, and we spend it talking about how cute she is! Yesterday afternoon she played with the twin boys who live next door. They are only 17 days younger than Zoe so it's so nice to have them nearby. Their mom has been very helpful with parenting tips for me!

Today we're going to stop by the outlets before heading to lunch at Eric's parent's home so Zoe can meet her great Uncle and third cousin (I think that's how it works....second cousin once removed?) We also are going to have some of the artwork we bought in China framed for Zoe's room. The little angel is currently asleep in her stroller. She has this thing now where she will only nap if we're moving (in the stroller or car). The class I'm teaching starts tonight. It seemed a good idea at the time to teach, but now I'm regreting it. Luckily it's only until the first week of August.

The best news is that another 4 couples from our Mid-Atlantic adoption group are now either in China or on the plane to Beijing!! Hurry home guys, Zoe can't wait to meet her new playmates!

1 comment:

Jewels of My Heart said...

Sounds like you are all doing great! I know you are glad the Dr.s visit is over.... it's so hard to be strong for shots and blood tests... you just want to throw your own arm in front of the needle.
She will be blogging before you know it with that new baby laptop of hers. teehee