Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Girl and Her Dog

Seriously, how cute is this? We're still struggling to get on some sort of a schedule. While she napped easily in China, Zoe fights taking naps here. She plays hard all day and then falls over asleep at 7:30pm. Come 2:30am, she's wide awake. She will fall asleep a couple hours later, but it's not easy. I know she's not getting enough sleep, although you wouldn't know it to see her play, but we can't really do sleep training with her because of the adoption issues. We've tried to make her stay in her crib and stay with her, letting her know we're there, but it's just brutal. In the week we've been home, we've had one good sleep night. She's also teething again (that would make 6), and is having some reflux issues as we've switched her to the American formula (Enfamil) and dropped the rice cereal in the bottle so that probably isn't helping as well. I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Eric and I both think she's gained weight since we've been home. She has a little buddha belly and eats like a champ. She loves oatmeal, all fruits, and Yobaby Yogurt is apparently baby crack..she can't get enough. She's sitting completely unassisted now, belly laughs at Peek-a-boo, and easily switches toys from one hand to another. She couldn't even bang the toys together 3 weeks ago. She gets into the crawling position but pushes herself on her belly backwards which just frustrates her to no end :) She loves to grab on my fingers and pull herself up to a wobbly stand. She smiles all the time now, quite the change from China where she was more reserved. She loves, LOVES the dog (not that you can't tell from the picture).
All is well here, and we're settling in to being a family. Sleep issues are our last major hurdle for now :)


Unknown said...

Sera loves YoBaby yogurt, too. We also give her the YoKids version as they have more flavors,and she is 14 months now. She really likes their drinkable yogurt, too.

We are using the Enfamil also, but I'm still adding the rice cereal. Here's why. She gets only two bottles right now. One when she first wakes up, and the other when she goes to bed. Since she's not eating anything at those times, I let her have the cereal in the bottle. I have fixed bottles without it, and she won't drink it. She's drinking milk out of a sippy cup during her food meals. I haven't figured out what do yet when I transition her off formula in those bottles.

Good luck with the sleep issues. I know they're brutal.

Karen said...

Love the picture!!!!

Only tihng I could think of is the lactose in the formula, it will sometimes cause reflux. But as you know this is just from things I've read so I might be totally wrong.

Again love the picture, it is so sweet seeing Zoe with Herman.


Unknown said...

Love the photo too! As you know, we don't have experience yet - but I read on apc that some babies are accustomed to more noise in china, and that playing a radio on a talk station at low level helps. A coworker who raised three bio kids said that she would turn on her soap in early afternoon and pretend to sleep while listening to it - baby could nap or play quietly, and invariably napped... You may want to try posting the question on apc.
Good luck! and please keep the photos coming for those of us still waiting! (2?3? 4? months?)
LID 11/22

Dawn said...

What a great pic of Zoe and Herman!!! Too cute!! CM is having some sleep issues too. She's been getting up in the middle of the nite... otherwise, she's doing very well!!

I'm glad things are going great for Zoe!!!!!!!

It was so great meeting the 3 of you!!!!! We'll have to plan a reunion in the future.

~Dawn :)

EJ said...

Oh that picture is just priceless!! Your two babies slumbering away. I am so happy that Herman and Zoe are getting along so well. I hope the sleep issues start resolvong soon I know it must be brutal!

bugs parents said...

It's so good to see that things are going fairly well for you. What an encouragement for those of us following in your steps. It sounds like Zoe is progressing very well - sounds like she is thriving with all the love being poured on her!

Samantha said...

Love the photo!

Jewels of My Heart said...

That picture melts my heart... she is just beautiful.
I feel for you with the sleep issues... it is hard when to know when it is ok to let them cry it out.... in the begining I say be there to let her know you are there and she can feel secure... I remember a couple months after getting home I was standing at the kitchen sink and fell asleep... that night I had to let Hannah cry some of the night and only went in a couple of times... more than 9 months later she has slept all the way through the night maybe 5 times.... ugggggggggg
Hope you sleep soon and sweet dreams.

Colleen said...

That picture melts my heart!!!