Monday, May 7, 2007


Woo hoo! TA has arrived! Now we just need to wait for our CA but we may be leaving a week earlier than we originally planned! I gotta get a move on...both at work (to tie up loose ends) and in the packing realm.

I had a meltdown at my not so friendly, very poor customer service bank today because they wouldn't help me with the new money issue. The people at our credit union were so fantastic though. When the tellers heard what I needed they all opened their drawers and were flipping through the money looking for "good" bills. I wasn't even a member! Of course I promptly joined the credit union. What wonderful people!

I'll post pictures later of my shower. I have to tell you, it was overwhelming in such a wonderful way. There were about 30 friends and co-workers that attended. My friends Beth, Wendy, and Amy threw me the shower. We had wonderful Chinese food! They also had ordered special fortune cookies that had sayings with Zoe's name in them. Everyone also brought a quilt square for Zoe's 100 Good Wishes quilt. I was so choked up when I read over them. My friend had also made me a, for lack of better word, fancy copy of the Legacy of the Adopted Child. That poem always makes me tear up. Zoe is going to be one well dressed little girl. We also got some very cool toys. Herman does not quite understand why he's not allowed to play with them. He's going to have some adjustment issues :)

Sorry for the typos, I'm sick again (I think it's just allergies) but I have "medicine head" from the antihistimines :)


Karen said...

I'm so happy that your TA Arrived. YIPEEE!!!!!!! I just can't wait to see pictures from the shower.

bugs parents said...

Kristi, That's great news! Congratulations on your TA! I guess things really begin to kick into high gear once that comes. Only a few weeks until you travel! Happy packing! Pam

EJ said...

I am so happy for you receiving your TA today!! I am glad your Credit Union was so helpful and helped with the money that your bank was unwilling to do! Can't wait to see all the pictures from your shower!


Dawn said...

Hooray!! We just got our TA too!!! Hopefully we'll see you in Beijing!!!

Glad that you had a wonderful baby shower too!! :)


Ava's Dad said...

Wow TA's already, that was super fast. So excited for you and Eric, nice to have friend doing province recon for us - ha. Again totally thrilled for the two of you.


Melanie & David said...

So exciting that you have your TA and that you'll be leaving so soon. Glad that your shower was so wonderful and special. It sounds like you had a really wonderful time. Can't wait to see photos and see the quilt.

Dawn said...

ps... if GWCA does get us a Consulate appt for the week of June 11th, we'll be flying out on May 31st ... are you going to fly out on the 30th or 31st???
