Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Food is a popular topic in our house being that Zoe has gone from eating everything fed to her to being quite the picky little eater. I think part of her slow down was getting to her weight set point and also realizing that hey, even if I don't eat everything right now they'll be trying to shove more things into my mouth in a couple of hours :) It amazes me how quickly she has adapted to the American diet. I had to ask people at work yesterday if it is really possible for kids to live on chicken tenders, fish sticks, goldfish crackers, mango, and cheerios. I was pleased that so many people said, "Yes!". Notice that all of Zoe's preferred foods range from brown to orange? Creepy. Yes, Zoe is given all sorts of healthy things are her plate as well (broccoli, green beans, etc.), she just ignores them and pushes our hands away if we (God forbid) try to put it in Miss (food only) Independent's mouth for her. She actually loves all things Italian and Eric often reminds me that the Chinese invented the noodle. Lasagna and spaghetti are hits in our house as well. She had her first grilled cheese last night and gobbled it up. Grapes are apparently back on the acceptable list as well, having been banished for a couple weeks. We got some spinach into her last night by disguising it in a less healthy "brown" crust. She's so funny when she's eating something she really likes. She stuffs so many pieces in her mouth it 1) makes me incredibly nervous about choking but 2) makes her look like a hamster. Our freezer and refrigerator are stocked with new foods for Zoe to try. I took her to the grocery store and if she said, "mmmm" after looking at something (e.g. the grapes) it went into the cart.

I mentioned that Zoe is independent when it comes to wanting to feed herself but forgot to mention that at the doctor's office they noted on her physical form that she had "severe separation anxiety." I had to agree being that she hates the doctor's office since they always poke and prod (or stick water in her ear to get the wax out), and her morning crying at daycare. However, this morning I dropped her at daycare and she did her usual protesting and crying (no tears) as I left. I had forgotten something and had to go back to the classroom not 15 seconds later and she was SMILING and playing. Boy, those manipulation skills develop quickly. Oh and she finally started taking small steps over the weekend. I think her record is 4 at a time (small steps). You'd have to see Zoe get from sitting to standing to believe it but she completely rolls over her ankle to put her foot flat when standing. It's like watching an NFL horror film where they go in slow motion to detail exactly where the compound fracture occurred..only it doesn't seem to bother her. Ick.


Karen said...

See I told you it happens all the time with the buckets of tears for moms when they leave and no sooner does the door shut and they are happy as can be. Oh they know we are weak sometimes. :) It still doesn't make it easy to leave though.
So excited that Zoe is taking some steps. Ava has done two in a row for us and no more.

Dawn said...

It looks like Courtney is living on the exact same food that Zoe is!!! She loves her fish sticks and goldfish crackers too!!

Congrats to Zoe on walking too!!
