Friday, September 21, 2007

Bubble pictures and weekly update

I don't think we bought any of the pictures above from our photo shoot last weekend but they crack me up. At least we have proof she can visually track :) This week went well for Zoe. She spent Monday with her grandma in Leesburg and had a great day. She did really well in daycare this week but only had to go until Thursday since I took today off to spend with her. Today was Zoe's 1 year check up (the dr.'s are booked which caused the delay). She's now 19 pounds and 29.5 inches tall. She's gained 4 pounds since coming home. The doctor was really pleased with her growth and all the cool things Zoe can do. She's gotten very good at getting from her behind to standing without pulling up but will still only take steps either with her push toy or holding our hands. When you ask her to walk to you when she's standing and not holding on to anything she kind of chuckles at you..pretty funny. She grabbed her hair today when I asked her to show me where her hair is (she combs her hair when I say, "Comb your hair" so I took a shot). It was probably a fluke, but still cool. She loves it when I sing, "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands", and she claps in all the right places :) Other than that a pretty dull week....oh, Zoe is back on antibiotics for a sinus infection but I told the doctor no more amoxicillian so it's something different this time.

Zoe also got her MMR/chicken pox vaccination today. For those of you who don't know the MMR is the one that people thought caused autism. I do not believe this to be the case, particularly since they removed the mercury from the shots. I work with children with autism and their families. Again, I do not believe the shots cause autism; HOWEVER, when someone is about to put something into your own child it's amazing how quickly you challenge your own beliefs. I hemmed and hawed over allowing the shot because if I'm wrong and something were to happen to Zoe because of something I allowed I would be incredibly distraught. I went ahead and allowed the vaccination, but I'm not thrilled about it.

It's been a year this week since my dad died which has been hard for me, I don't know where the time went. It's also college football time and that was always something that he and I bonded over. The Illinois/Indiana game is this weekend which is our alma maters (and my mom's) playing each other and a game that Eric and I would go see with him in Illinois. I kind of just list Zoe updates for family (and friends) on this site but my dad's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm sad he never got the chance to meet his exceptional granddaughter. He did contribute to her quilt though which I'm thankful for and I've got to get on that and get it sent out to be made. Eric and I still need to choose our about procrastination! Everyone enjoy their weekend!


Jewels of My Heart said...


Melanie & David said...

Very cute bubble pictures - only you would view it as "proof of her visually tracking" ha, ha. I am glad you bought up the MMR because I quizzed the doctor about it and she also said that there is absolutely no link, blah, blah but it still scared the petuiy out of me and I wish that I had pushed to have the vaccines separated out. You're correct about it being better with mercury removed. I almost considered switching doctors over it because my friend, who has boys, her doctor offered to separate out the vaccines for her piece of mind which I think is a good doctor. I am glad that you feel safe in this forum to talk about your dad. It brought tears to my eyes because I can imagine how much you would want him to know Zoe. We feel the same way about David's father. Zoe is so very precious and I imagine your dad is smiling down on her. Enjoy those special memories. We look forward to seeing you next week.
Love, Melanie, David & Indigo

EJ said...

Kristi, what a beautiful post! Zoe looks so adorable in those pictures chasing the bubbles. What great strides she has made in the short time she has been home with you and Eric. All those shots scare me. Sarah just had that shot as well. It is hard to believe it has been a year already since your Dad's passing. I remember how you and Eric would go to the game with your Dad. I am sure he is with you today as your teams are playing each other. It also brought me to tears thinking of how close he was to getting to meet Zoe but because of the slow down it wasn't to be. I am sure he watches over her and you all of the time. She is an exceptional girl, you can just see the joy in her eyes in all of those pictures. A true tribute to you and Eric!
Love, Ellen

Ava's Dad said...

I was just having the autism conversation with Shawn last night. Before Ava I thought that people were over reacting and they should always trust their doctor, now I've been coming up with new reason why I know more. HA!!!

I'm so sorry that you are missing your dad. I know how important the football games were to you and that they are coinciding with it being an anniversary of his passing is definately difficult.

Zoe is beautiful and looks full of happiness. I hope that the after effects of the vaciantions are mild (fever, ect.) and that everyone had a great weekend.

Ava's Dad said...

OOPPSS!! I was logged in with Shawn's account but it was really me, Karen. :)

Erin said...

Beautiful post. I can sympathize with the feelings of missing your Dad as my father's 5th anniversary just passed. It's hard to sum up the feelings.

We made it to Sedona only once when we lived in AZ, and I'd love to go back. Just so incredibly beautiful there. We were way down south in a border town. Not quite as nice :-)

We're in the process of re-doing all of Jilly's shots and nagging doubt is always there, especially as I have first hand experience with the Autism Spectrum. Ultimately, I put my trust in the doctor and the fact that the mercury has been removed.

Emma Rae's Mom said...

Zoe is a doll. Love all the pictures of her! Her picture on the China Adoption Homepage is so cute!! Julie

Dawn said...

I just love the bubble and 1-year pics of the beautiful Miss Zoe!!!

Courtney already had the chicken pox shot when we got her. But I totally know how you are feeling about vaccinations/autism since I don't know if they removed Mercury from the shots in China.

It's too bad that your Dad never got formally introduced to Zoe before he passed away, but everytime she wraps herself in her quilt, it will be like your Dad is "holding her."


Beth said...

Thank you for sharing the adorable photos of Zoe! I love the bubble shots! Such precious wonder! Interesting comments about the shots. Good encouragement for becomming more informed. Also - completely understandable that you're missing your father. I feel the same way about people in Hope's family who waited with us for her to come home, yet now she'll never meet. I'm not sure those feelings will ever disappear.

Wishing you peace - Beth