Sunday, September 2, 2007

In China, It's Zoe's Birthday

It's September 3rd in China, Zoe's first birthday, and somewhere in the Jiangxi province a year ago a woman had either given birth to, or was preparing to give birth to, the little miracle in my life. I imagine she's thinking about Zoe today too. I can't imagine going through an experience such as childbirth and not thinking of the life you created. I hope somehow she can sense that Zoe is safe and happy. I imagine she has no idea that the child she created is living a life half a world away. Maybe she is at peace thinking that Zoe is being cared for at the Fengxin SWI, maybe she even walks by every now and again. We'll never know the reasons that Zoe was abandoned. It is easy to blame the political situation in China for her abandonment, but it's possible that Zoe was given up for reasons thousands of American birthmom's relinquish custody of their children every year. Giving Zoe up may have been the most difficult decision of her life, or maybe it was the easiest. We will never know and honestly, the only person on this half of the world who needs to come to terms with the reasons, or lack of knowledge of the reasons, is Zoe. Adopting from China is unique in that there is no paper trail, we'll probably never know who Zoe's birthmother and father are...but how can I not know two people and yet know them so well. I know they are beautiful and smart. I know that they are probably shy at first but warm up quickly to strangers. I know they have a curiosity about the world and a desire to share what they are thinking . I know they probably have laughs and a crooked smile that lights up the room they are in. I know this about them, because I see them in Zoe every day. Who Zoe becomes will be influenced by the four parents who have made her life possible. I only hope she is able to take the best traits from the four of us to become her best person.

The one last thought I have stems from the blogs or stories I have read where adoptive parents have an anger towards their child's birthparents for abadoning them. I've read where people have said that they, under no circumstances or political pressure, would ever abandon their child. To them I say, "There but for the grace of God go I." It's easy when you're sitting on this side of the fence to make those comments. There are two truths I do know about Zoe's abadonment. One is that her birthmother did not have to sacrifice her body or her life for nine months to give birth to Zoe. The second is that, upon knowing she would not raise Zoe, she did not have to place Zoe so lovingly in a safe location where she would be so quickly found. Those two choices have made our life complete. And for those two choices I will forever be profoundly grateful.

So with all that I made a decision that every year on September 2nd (the 3rd in China) I'm going to write a letter to Zoe's birthmom telling her about the year Zoe has had. I don't imagine I will ever give them to her or anyone in her family; although genetic testing being what it is, but maybe the letters may mean something to Zoe when she's older. September 3rd in the U.S. will always be about Zoe, but it seems right to reflect on her birthmother and father on the 2nd.


Sam said...

That is so very sweet of you to want to write a letter every year on her Birthday. That sounds like a wonderful idea and I will have to keep that in mind when we get our little one one day. Everytime I read your blog I get a little teary eyed.
Happy Birthday... Zoe!!

Karen said...

What a wonderful post and what a fantastic idea.

I so hope that Zoe has a Happy Bithday.

Jewels of My Heart said...

Your post truly touched my heart. My heart breaks for my daughter's birth mother and for my son's. I can't imagine what they endure each day as they think about our child. I know they love them.. they chose life against all odds. And through them the Lord has blessed us with our two miracles who are my heart. Thank you so much for sharing and I love that you are going to write a letter to her birth mother. I have been trying to think of a way to honor my childrens birth mothers and I believe that this is one special way to do so. Thank you again for sharing. I pray the letters will also be a blessing to your beautiful daughter.
Happy Birthday little Zoe....

EJ said...

Kristi, what an insightful post! I really like your idea of honoring the birth parents on the 2nd and then it is all about Zoe on the 3rd. I am so so happy that the three of you will be celebrating her first birthday together! May she have a very very Happy Birthday!
Love, Ellen

Jennifer said...

What an amazing way to celebrate Zoe's birth and to honor her birthparent's...

~jennifer s.

Melanie & David said...

Kristi - what a beautiful and moving post. You have brought tears to my eyes. Your words in expressing what the birth mothers have done for these girls and for us were so eloquent. Thank you for these gracious words that I may have to borrow from when it comes time for us to reflect on the first birthday that we have with Indigo when she turns two. Happy birthday to dear sweet Zoe - who is indeed, has all of those wonderful attributes which you described so sweetly.
Love, Melanie

Melanie said...

That's so wonderful and touching. I hope that you can make the time each year to do something so special that even if Zoe's birthparents/family never see, she will. What a gift to her to know that you cherish those that are in her life, whether seen or unseen.