Friday, March 23, 2007

What a week

What a week it has been. I'm sick. Like that sick you feel when you're not sure you'll ever feel better again. Occupational hazard of working with small children. Hopefully I'm doing my time now so that I don't get sick when we're in China. Also, some jerk stole my credit card number and downloaded a bunch of expensive software. American Express has been great but it's really creepy to know someone has your information. I'm really concerned about it because I never use that card to shop, but have it linked to my toll road pass, a music download place and a book of the month club. So pretty much it has to be an employee of one of those three places that stole the information. Luckily the card was in my maiden name so that my last name and social security number won't match. I know they have my address since one of their downloads came with a useless CD that was mailed to my house. It makes me think twice about re-linking those places to a credit card. Of course with the toll road you kind of need to or you'll be one of those people in the Express Lane with the toll not opening because you're out of money on the pass and everyone honking at you. I hate those people :) Okay, off to nap.


Karen said...

Hope you feel better soon!!!

I think its been one of those weeks all over the place. I hope you get the credit card straight.

EJ said...

I am sorry you are sick! I hope you are feeling better real soon.

That stinks some jerk had the nerve to violate you with your Credit Card. It has been a tough week for everyone this week!

Let's hope next week brings good things!