Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Needing to Know

I thought that this last month of waiting was going to be relaxing, boy was I ever wrong. While I've definitely had my moments throughout this wait I feel like I've been relatively calm (relative compared to how I can be :) ), until now. Now, with probably 2.5 weeks to go I feel this urgency to know if we're going to be referred a boy or a girl? How old? I've held off on shopping for clothes and things because of these unknowns. How can I be so impatient when we're almost there? My anxiety has also caught up to me in my dreams. Twice now in the past week I've dreamt that the CCAA skipped us. Last night it was because I forgot to send in our marriage certificate. My friend who has biological kids tells me that this is really common in the last trimester, these feelings of anxiety. I think that until now I've never let myself believe that this would actually happen, that we'd be referred a child. There have been so many roadblocks and detours.... I know those of you reading this understand. Until this last month I've always thought of our referral as "the kid" as in "when we get the kid". Now when I think of the baby it's "our" or "my" baby (or toddler as the case may be). Taking ownership and allowing myself to feel and experience all of this is wonderful, but it's also making these last couple of weeks unbearable. I think it will also make me appreciate getting our referral even more.


EJ said...

Kristi, you are not alone. Last month I really was calm and collected knowing in my heart we would not be incuded in that batch. I was at peace when the Referrals came out and rejoiced that we were next. I find myself easily brought to tears as I can not believe that it really is going to come to fruiation. After all the hurdles, detours and road blocks, can this be real? Yes, it can and it is going to be. I would like the million dollar questions answered as well. Boy or girl, baby or toddler :) It will come soon, perhaps not soon enough for our liking.


Karen said...

Right there with you!!! I really dont' know how much more I can take. I've had some strange dreams lately, one that I had to run all the way home from VT. Very strange. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Oh girl, I know what you mean. Hang in there...we will make it!!

LID 10/26