Saturday, December 1, 2007

Quick "Phew" post

Just a quick post to update on two issues that I've been worried about....1) Zoe had her 15 month appointment today and she's finally on the curve (5th percentile) for head circumference. She's 10-25% for weight and 25-50% for height. The weight and head were the ones we were most worried about since our first appointment home from China when the doctor said Zoe was microcephalic (which can cause mental retardation). So HA HA bad poorly informed doctor. Actually when were were in Guangzhou the doctor measured her head and then did it again and asked, "How old is she?" I should have known then about the effects of the malnutrition....but we're good now!

Second, and probably more important since we've known Zoe is developing well.....she's learned to come down stairs safely on her bottom. While I hope she never does it on her own while she's still so little, at least we can relax a little bit. She's so cute...she drops to her bottom like 3 feet from the top of the stairs and then "scootches" (a new vocab word for her :) ) to the top and then comes down. The stairs in the townhome have been my greatest worry so I'm so proud of her. This house is impossible to gate.


Jewels of My Heart said...

Happy news indeed! Glad your little one is doing so well.

Karen said...

Good news!!! Glad to hear you got a good update.

Melanie & David said...

Great news - I am so glad that is a worry off your mind although personally I think anyone can look at Zoe and tell that she is perfectly normal, happy, adjusted and developing perfectly. I am very impressed that she can do the stairs! I am thinking of putting a fat mat at the bottom of ours (the floor is ceramic tiled) so that I am less nervous about Indigo going down.
By the way, I did not get to comment on the last post but that car is too cool for words - very cute pictures. It was so great to see you all on Sunday. How fun to see all the girls.

Melanie said...

That head thing is killer. The book I'm reading actually emphasizes the fact that our non-white babies should not be measured against those American percentile growth charts...but I guess the Drs. still need a baseline. Anyway, call ya soon.