Friday, October 12, 2007

A Week in Review...

Wow, these weeks are flying past. The weather has finally turned colder here so Eric is excited. It feels like real football weather now. Poor Zoe was sick again this week. She was having some tummy trouble so she got to stay with grandma for a couple days. I know she had a great time! My mom and Ed had come over on Monday to watch Zoe so Eric and I could have a much needed date. Zoe was so excited to see my mom. I think her stranger anxiety is now completely gone as she even went willingly to the contractor who came to the house to give us an estimate on some granite. It definitely makes leaving her easier since she happily goes with someone else now.

For the past week or so I noticed that Zoe was doing things that looked liked signs. I asked her teacher and sure enough they have been working on them with the class. I had thought that Zoe was just showing me her mouth but turns out she was saying she was hungry. Oops :) She also knows the signs for more, please, and thank you (I think that's the one that looks like she's blowing kisses). Tonight she did the sign for drink..and since I finally clued in I was able to get her what she wanted. She's also added "baby" and what sounds like "bear" to her verbal words. We read "Going on a Bear Hunt" like three times a day so it wouldn't surprise me. There is a dog in the book that looks like Herman that she or I point out on every page so what sounds like "bear" is usually directed at Herman. Unfortunately Zoe had a bit of an accident today. Her walking has gotten so much better, even in shoes. She did take a bit of a spill today and got a cut on her lip, poor baby. Between being sick and her little accident she crashed tonight at 7pm. I have a feeling one of us is going to be up at 4am :)


Karen said...

I say Eric is it!!! Sorry Eric had to throw you in for the night duty. :)

Sounds like things are going great for Zoe. Sorry to hear about the accident and Tummy issues. Hope everyone feels better soon.

Melanie & David said...

wow, Zoe just advances in leaps and bounds - so great that she is getting all those words. Hope you ended up having a good night sleep and sorry she was ill and had an injury - Indigo's first injury with blood was also the lip.
Viva la cool weather!

EJ said...

So happy to hear of all the great strides Zoe is making. Sorry to hear of her sick tummy and her cut lip. I hope she just sleeps through the night and surprises both of you!

Dawn said...

We're so sorry to hear about Zoe's sore tummy and her cut lip. Poor Sweetie, I hope she feels better SOON!!

Congrats to Zoe on her signs and for adding more words to her vocabulary!