Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What a big girl :)

Zoe finally drank, unassisted, from a sippy cup today. She finally held something on her own. Big moment in the Hockensmith household! For some reason we're back to having sleep issues again. We had 2.5 blissful weeks of slumber, but for the past two nights she's woken up for two hour stretches. Part of the problem is she has become really, really attached to me so when she sees me at night, and then I leave the waterworks start. When we first brought Zoe home she really couldn't have cared who held her but now she's very much a mommy's girl. She's always checking back on me when she's playing, plays a game of tugging on my shirt when I pretend to turn my back on her, and holds on really tightly now when I'm holding her. All of this is wonderful, as long as it's not a sign of insecure attachment, but I go back to work in less than a month now so I'm worried about that. She clearly loves Eric but doesn't seem to mind if he comes or goes from a room so he may have to do dropoffs on workdays. Oh, and she just pulled up on the coffee table for the first time (had been doing it on us and the couches so now my pictures and candles have to come down :) ).

Eric and I are considering moving again. We had priced new homes in the area in March but since we didn't want to have to move with Zoe into an apartment we passed on them. The developer had some spec homes available so we met with our realtor about those. I don't think those are going to work but he mentioned that with all the foreclosures and slow market in our area that a current home owner or bank in the case of forclosure might be willingly to accept a contingency contract whereby we buy their house if ours sells within a certain timeframe. So, we're going to get some work done on the house and look into that. Everyone that has been over lately can attest to the fact that we just don't have enough usable/kid friendly space on the main level. When we have playdates we have to have our guests sit on the floor in Zoe's room as it's really the only place 4 adults and 2 kids can fit. We're in a good position where we don't HAVE to move, and we love our house, so we'll see. Zoe's clawing for the computer so no pics today.


EJ said...

So happy to hear of Zoe's achievements! I am so excited she drank from the sippy cup! What a little cutie!

Love, Ellen

Karen said...

Yeah Zoe!!! So gald to hear she pulled herseld up and that she drank from a Sippy cup, I know how much that means.

Melanie & David said...

Great going for Zoe - what a clever girl. Sounds like she is advancing in leaps and bounds. These advancements they make are so exciting.