Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More Pictures

Enjoying spaghetti

Being coy

Future jockey?

Zoe and her alligator

The Itsy Bitsy Spider.......

We had a great long weekend! We went to our friends' Melanie and David's house for a Chinese New Year party. It was so wonderful to see the friends we've made on our amazing adoption adventure and to see how lovely all of the girls are! The last time we saw them Zoe was barely crawling and it was so nice to see her able to interact (albeit through toy stealing) with the other girls.

On Sunday Eric and I left Zoe with her grandparents and had a really nice date day. While I missed Zoe like crazy during the day, it was really nice to be able to reconnect with Eric. The weather on Monday was amazing and Zoe and I went to Arlington to meet up with my best friend from high school and her adorable sons. We went to a really fun park and Zoe loved running around. It had been too long since we'd seen them so it was nice to catch up. Today brought snow and cold weather with the change of more bad weather on Friday. With that, of course, comes colds and both Zoe and I are fighting one now....which seems to be par for the course of this crazy weather winter! Bring on the spring.


EJ said...

Love all the pictures of Zoe! Was wonderful seeing Zoe so grown up this weekend! With this weather it is hard not to be sick. Stay warm and have some chicken soup!

Karen said...

Hope you manage ti fight the cold, it is tough with the temps going up and down around here.

I love all the pictures of Zoe, the one with her looking coy is just too cute!!!

Beth said...

I love the spider shot! Do you have the next American Idol there? :) I also got a good chuckle from the mention of toy stealing. It is so true! We have a lot of sharing work to do at our house.

Yea for date nights! Congrats on getting out for the evening.
