Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hard to believe it's already 2008. January will bring a change for Zoe as she starts her new daycare at the church on the 14th. I know we'll have some setbacks, probably with sleeping, but hopefully they will pass quickly. After battling RSV, Zoe has another cold after getting the flu shot. Again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist when it comes to vaccinantions, but even I got sick after the flu shot. In fact, I got more sick after the shot than I ever have from the flu. Zoe had another doctor appointment and it seems she grew an inch from the beginning of December to January. Her head circumference is now in the 25% so that continues to improve too. Her weight has stabilized some now that she's off formula. She's not so sure she likes milk, but still loves her drinkable yogurt. She's really into stacking blocks now, her record is 6 and tries for 7 but it teeters over :) She also loves inset puzzles, and as always her books. If she has a word (ball, balloon, duck, bubble, etc) she'll point to a picture in a book and label it. Now that her motor skills are well developed, Zoe's language is vastly improving.

In another note, is the writer's strike totally irritating anyone else? I get their issues, but I need my Grey's Anatomy! Call it therapy. Women's Murder Club and Cashmire Mafia may make for good replacements though :)

Loves to play on the stairs (supervised of course)

Sitting in the big person chair

Really loves to push her dolly in the stroller.


Erin said...

Happy New Year. Sorry to hear about all the colds and sickness. RSV is so scary and I'm glad it sounds like she got through it.

It looks like Jill has the same stroller and she loves walking her dolls and animals all over the house, too.

Melanie & David said...

Great post - love all the details. Sorry to hear she had RSV - how scary, but glad to hear she is recovering. Zoe looks to be thriving and it sounds like she is doing super. Are you warming the whole milk? Not sure if it helps but we still have to warm Indigo's milk. The yogurt is good for them but make sure you're brushing her teeth or rubbing them with a cloth or gauze. I just got a big (friendly) lecture from my friend who is a dental hygienist about how the sugar in yogurt (and other products of course) can cause cavities. Those photos are really cute and I love her panda top. Have a wonderful 2008!

Karen said...

So nice to see all the updates.

I'm with you about the writer's strke, I'm ready for a Grey's fix. I will have to check out the other suggestions you have to try to make do until the new shows appear. Is the strike over?

I hope that you have a calm and non-news worthy day today.

Karen said...

I forgot to say how much I love the overalls on Zoe. Ava has taken to protesting when I put her in overalls so I will have to just enjoy your pictures of Zoe in them until maybe Ava changes her mind. :)

bugs parents said...

So sorry to hear Zoe was sick. I'm glad she's feeling better from the RSV. It's amazing how much she's grown up since coming home! Such cute pictures!!! I hope the transition to the new daycare goes well.

EJ said...

I am so sorry Zoe has been so sick. She looks so darn adorable in all the photos. It is just amazing how much she has changed since she first came home from China! Here's hoping Zoe has a healthy 2008!!!
Love, Ellen

Dawn said...

Happy New Year! Courtney has that exact same stroller!!!!! I see that she's climbing stairs now, what a milestone. And I really liked the pic of Eric and Zoe sitting on Santa's lap!