Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A little update

In her sock monkey Nick and Nora PJ's.....this picture doesn't do it justice

Zoe and Daddy were disappointed with the Colts performance on Sunday. (Thanks for the jersey Shawn and Karen!)

It's getting harder and harder to take pictures of Zoe since she loves the camera so much that when she sees it she comes running (yes, we're running now...and still falling) over so quickly I can't get the picture taken without it just being a gigantic one of her head. Her pictures now need to be snapped without her knowing it's coming :)

I found these Nick and Nora Sock Monkey pjs at Target....oh my they are so cute. I need to go back and get a few more pairs. I had no idea they made these for little ones. This week has been a good one. Zoe enjoyed trick or treating at a couple of the neighbors house. My mom and Ed came over for Halloween night and Zoe loved the attention and showing off her bumblebee costume. I think, if our scale is correct, that Zoe has finally topped the 20 pound mark and we can finally turn her carseat to forward facing. She's getting so tall that she's a bit scrunched being backwards. I still think it's the safer way to travel though. Oh, got some interesting info from Zoe's daycare. As it turns out, she self feeds her bottle there and has been doing it for a while. She also just lays down and takes a nap in the cot without a fuss now.....These are not behaviors we are seeing at home :) She still loves mom and dad to hold her bottle and her sleep requires some effort here. She's still facinated with lights and she loves to point them all out saying "Ight, ight". She loves to turn the switches on and off and is so proud of herself to watch the effect. It's the little things I guess :) She's walking up stairs now and tries to reach for the railing which is way too high for her so she needs to take our hands or she kind of goes hand then full foot up the stairs. I won't let her try to come down them yet...our stairs are really steep.

On Monday we found out we had an offer on our house. We put the house on the market in August thinking that when Zoe started walking we'd be out of space, and we'd had some repairs done on it so we thought why not? We'll we're not close to being out of space and we love our home so we were a bit taken aback by getting an offer in this horrible market. Luckily the deal isn't going through as the buyer can't afford what our bottom line is. It was very enlightening as we found ourselves 99% happy/relieved and only 1% disappointed not to have to leave. I think we'll probably stay here until 2009 and then re-evaluate if we decide to add another kiddo to the mix. It's hard to move when there is little or nothing on the market that you like better than what you are currently in ;)


Karen said...

Love the pictures as always.

I'm glad that everything turned out the rigth way for you guys with the house.

bugs parents said...

Jammies on little girls are just the cutest! Both of mine love the footie kind. Glad to hear you are so comfortable in your house and the size is working out okay. It's nice to move because you want to, not because you have to! We can't wait to see everyone again!

Melanie & David said...

I love reading about Zoe's updates - she just makes progress in leaps and bounds. I too am terrified about Indigo going downstairs and she is older than Zoe! I am sure things will work out on the home front - if you were not really keen to be moving on then it sounds like everything worked out perfectly. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Dawn said...

Zoe is so adorable in her little Colts jersey!!!! I really like her little jammies too!!
