Tuesday, July 3, 2007

10 Month Birthday/Together One Month

Wake me up when you're serving something good!

Looking cute at the zoo

Pandas without the 14 hour plane flight!

Mommy, Zoe, and the elephant

Look how happy I am watching Mickey Mouse!

I can't believe we've been with Zoe for a whole month. The time is passing so quickly. Having both Eric and I at home for the summer has been such a blessing...particularly with being able to switch off night/early morning duties. Yesterday we had a rare humidity free July day in DC so we took Zoe on her first zoo trip. She was more interested in people watching rather than looking at the animals, but Eric and I were able to see the baby panda (not such a baby anymore) for the first time. Who needs a 14 hour plane flight to see the pandas? :)

This weekend Zoe decided that it was time to find her voice. She only was saying a few sounds until Saturday when a bunch more just came spontaneously rolling off her tongue. It's so cute, it actually sounds like she's saying "blah, blah, blah". Of course she threw in the da and pa sounds just for Eric. She's also experimenting with volume now...she's only quiet when sleeping :) She also put a graham cracker to her mouth all by herself! She's not so good at taking a bite (can't get the angle), she's just gumming it, but a great step nonetheless. She's such a good natured baby, and it's so nice to be able to go out with her without her fussing too much. She also showed herself to be a true Holloway/Hockensmith at heart....we had the Mickey Mouse show on tv and she just went nuts for Mickey and Pluto. Maybe I can convince Eric to take a December trip to Disney after all? :)

Tomorrow is Zoe's first 4th of July. More pictures to follow.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Happy 10 month birthday to the little princess!! And Happy 1 month together as well!!

OMG!! She is so beautiful!! Looks like you had a wonderful family day at the zoo!!!
