Friday, September 7, 2007

Update :)

My mom sent me an e-mail telling me that I needed to update my blog about daycare so here goes :) The first day went okay. She didn't eat or sleep for them but really loved the stroller ride with the other kids and their nature walk. Yesterday was much better. She ate more food for them than she has for Eric and I in a month and took a 2.5 hour nap. She cries a bit when I drop her off and pick her up but I think that is to tug at mommy's heart strings. I can watch her on the Toddlercam and know that she is having fun. Plus yesterday she was smiling and playing when I was there and watching her and didn't start crying until she saw me and came crawling over with her arms up. Pathetic :) Her teacher is seriously wonderful. She is exactly what you would want, warm and fuzzy and clearly enjoys Zoe. She has three boys of her own and there are only two girls in Zoe's class so I think she enjoys her girl time :) There are people who are born to work with a group of small children all day (note: I am not one of them) and Zoe's teacher definitely is. I don't worry about her care at all. The first day I had the toddler cam (yesterday), everytime I looked (which was pretty much every 10 minutes) Zoe was either in her teacher's lap or being carried by her. Now Zoe is one of two in the class who can't walk yet so she needs more care, but still it was wonderful to see the amount of attention she is getting. Also, her language is getting so much better. After her first day of daycare she was making sounds I had never heard her say before and she is following more simple directions without gestures or prompts.

Of course the negative of daycare is illness and Zoe is fighting either a cold or allergies. It seems a bit early for a cold from daycare to have shown up, and I'm having a real hard time with allergies so that may be it. Her sleeping was terrible last night but if you can't breathe, it's hard to sleep.....and eat. To be fair, she was going through a terrible sleep pattern the week before daycare too. I'm so looking forward to the weekend with our little angel. Next week Eric will do the daycare pickup so that will extend her time by a managable 1/2 hour. I can go to work later than he can so it still makes sense for me to do drop off....even though the center is 3 mintues from his school and about 20 minutes out of my way :)

Update: So not allergies. Got a call as I was leaving to go pick up Zoe that she had a temperature of 102. Our baby's first temperature at home with us. Those germs worked quickly! I guess what does not kill us, strengthens our immune system :)


Karen said...

I'm so glad to hear that she is transitioning well to daycare. It is great that they have the Camera that you can watch and check to see how she is doing.
From my experience with dorp off times with preschoolers, they normally cry just long enough to make mom's feel bad then stop before mom even will get all their cars. Hope that helps with the heart strings a little bit, I know this will be a struggle for me so I will need reminding when January is approaching.

Melanie & David said...

Gosh - sign me up for your daycare - it sounds fantastic and the teacher sounds amazing. Thanks to your mom for requesting the more detailed post - it's appreciated. That's really super.

Dawn said...

I'm glad that things are going well for Zoe in daycare. C.M. started daycare 3 weeks ago. She really enjoys going and loves playing with her new friends, but did catch a bad cold in the first week of going. She is doing much better now. I hope Zoe feels better soon!!


Beth said...

AWWW! Feel better sweet little Zoe!

Love - Hope

Anonymous said...

I hope she's felling better by now. So not fun to have a sick baby. The web am sounds like a really great tool to have.

bugs parents said...

So sorry to hear Zoe is not feeling well. I hope her cold runs is course quickly (and with little loss of sleep!). I'm glad you were able to find a daycare you like so much!