Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Four generation picture from Zoe's baptism

My wonderful Nana

My Nana passed away last Thursday. She was 94 years old. If it hadn't been for a fall out of bed and subsequent complications at the hospital, she probably would have lived to be 100. I was incredibly lucky to have such a elegant, classy, loving woman as my grandmother for 34 years. I'm even happier that we were able to take the 4 generation picture that is posted above. In recent years my Nana started to suffer from some dementia, and although I doubt she knew Zoe was her great granddaughter, she enjoyed watching Zoe toddling around. My hope is that she's now with my grandfather again, a truly amazing man. My grandparents were exactly what you would want grandparents to be. I attended college a few hours from their home in a small town in Illinois. Some of my favorite memories are going to their house to visit and catch up on sleep. I always left well rested, well fed, and with more than enough gas money in my pocket :) Until my grandfather died during the second semester of my sophomore year they also made frequent trips to campus to take me to lunch. I always invited them to stay longer but they didn't want to interfere with my life. A 4 hour round trip just for lunch. Memories I will have forever. Memories I will be able to share with Zoe someday about how people are supposed to be.


Karen said...

Your Nana and Grandfather seem like they wre remarkable people and your love for them shines through with this post. The pictures of the four of you is priceless and I know you will treasure for a lifetime.
Best wishes to you and your entire family.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. How amazing, though, that you had her in your life for so long. Treasure those memories.

bugs parents said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Nana. What wonderful memories you have of your grandparents. Sounds like they were the ideal grandparents, and helped you become who you are today. That's a legacy she has left that you can pass along to Zoe.

Jewels of My Heart said...

I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to a lovely lady. I know she will live forever in your heart.
God's Peace...

EJ said...

I am so sorry to hear the news of the passing of your remarkable Nana. You always spoke so lovingly of both your Nana and Grandfather. I am so happy for you and Zoe that you have such a treasure as the photo from her baptism. What a wonderful post!