Friday, March 21, 2008

18 Month Pictures

As if there was any doubt she was my can put a dress on her if you'd like, but the real smiling came when she held the baseball :)

Strawberry cutie

We took Zoe for her 18 month pictures today. She was a bit wary of the process and the photographer this time had less patience than the one we had at her 12 month, they were really busy today taking Easter pictures. We were able to get a few we really liked. The baseball one is my favorite. Eric and I have been on Spring Break this week. What a difference a year makes. Last year on break we were miserable because we thought we would have had Zoe's referral by then. However, we were very well rested. This year we are having a ball with our amazing daughter..but we're exhausted. Zoe's decided that 5:45am is just a perfect time to be waking up. It's a bit early..and a bit dark! Her smiles and hugs make it all worth while and I do have the most amazing husband who knows I need a lot more sleep than he does to be a happy person so he's been letting me sleep in. There are no words to describe how much I appreciate that man.


EJ said...

Oh my goodness!! I LOVE the pictures of Zoe!!! She is just ADORABLE!!!! I too love the baseball picture with that gorgeous smile! I am so glad you have been enjoying your time off with Eric and Zoe. It is amazing what a difference a year makes! Three cheers for Eric and how sweet he is to let you get a little extra sleep!
Love, Ellen

Karen said...

Happy Easter and I love the pictures.
Hey we are up here at 5:45 every morning too and I agree it is just too dark.
Enjoy your Easter.

bugs parents said...

Great pictures! Zoe is so cute! I'm glad to hear you were able to enjoy your time off. I agree, 5:45 is too early to be up!

Melanie said...

Beautiful pictures Kristi! I can't believe how big she's getting. Maybe this summer the kids can meet!

Give Zoe another year or so and then teach her to tell time. Robbie was allowed to play quietly in his room until 7 am then he could come out. All you need to teach at first is what a 7 (or whatever time) looks like and where it should be on the clock.