Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is "Ma Ball" (how Zoe says "My Ball".) The Dora soccer ball is the only ball that gets the (what seems to be ) possessive in front of it. Yes, she'll be a soccer player yet!

Rolling the ball with daddy

Having fun on the couch

Zoe started her new daycare on Monday. Thus far, it's been worth the 2 year wait. The first day she got down right away and started playing with all the toys and didn't even look up when I said goodbye. The second day she realized I was going to go though and she started crying, which broke my heart. Her teachers say she's such a sweet and easy going girl (of course) who has a lot of fun. She's eating and sleeping well and they are doing all sorts of fun activities. The first day she learned about the letter "O" and colored and octopus. Her last daycare was fine and the teachers were sweet and well meaning, but there was very little structure and very few manipulatives. This has been a wonderful change and hopefully she'll stay with the church program through kindergarten.

Today we had a snowstorm that was very pretty to look at, if not a bit hazardess to drive in. Zoe and I got to watch the snow through the window while Eric had to stay at work, but since both of us are sick we didn't get to get out and play. Zoe actually still isn't a fan of the cold stuff :) That's okay, I'm ready for spring too!


Melanie & David said...

great photos - she is such a little cutie pie. Glad to hear that the new school is so great. Sorry that you have been sick. Have a great weekend.

Karen said...

Glad to year that Zoe is doing well in the new daycare.
Hope you have a great weekend.