Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hmmm, what's for dinner?

I think I can, I think I can....

Phew, I made it!

Okay, so I just realized that all of today's pictures are of Zoe's backside :) I do really like those Princess pants though. Eric is now back to work..just in time for Zoe to decide that napping is optional. I go back on September 4th and am getting pretty ready to go back. I know the first couple weeks of daycare are going to be an adjustment, but I think Zoe will really enjoy being around the other kids. As you can see from the pictures she's gotten very good at climbing our very steep stairs. We had her climb them a couple times yesterday and then she slept 11 hours straight....boot camp for babies :) She's also finally able to self-feed with things down to the size of 1/4 a Cheerio. It's not perfect every time, but a HUGE improvement. The amoxicillin she had to take for her ear infection really did a number on her belly. She's been refusing foods that she once loved lately and is really prefering liquids and carbs like crackers. We're hoping she gets back to normal soon, but in the meantime I should buy stock in Yobaby drinkable yogurt. She won't take the regular stuff with a spoon but will still drink it happily through the bottle or sippy. Her language skills continue to develop and she's able to follow some one step directions without prompts or gestures. We were playing with her Little People cow today and she said "Moooo"...or maybe I imagined it :) I've finally been getting my "mama". Her first birthday is coming up and we're going to do a very low key affair with just family since I go back to work the next day.


EJ said...

What cute photos of your little princess! I am glad to see how many things she is doing now. I bet hearing Mama melts your heart, I know I still melt everytime Sarah calls for me! Such sweet music! Hard to believe you start work already! Where does the time go?
Love, Ellen

Melanie & David said...

Cute little photos - love the princess pants. She is just making progress in leaps and bounds and it must be so exciting to hear her saying mama. It's great that you find yourself looking forward to work. Zoe seems like such a social little girl that I am sure she will enjoy her time with new friends. Hope to see you soon.

Love, Melanie

Melanie & David said...

Cute little photos - love the princess pants. She is just making progress in leaps and bounds and it must be so exciting to hear her saying mama. It's great that you find yourself looking forward to work. Zoe seems like such a social little girl that I am sure she will enjoy her time with new friends. Hope to see you soon.

Love, Melanie

Dawn said...

I absolutely love those Princess Pants!!!

Karen said...

Looks like you have your hands full for you first week home alone with her. I love the pants.