Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's Always Something....

So with less than a week before we leave to get Zoe, I'm downstairs and notice a rather large water mark on the ceiling. I'm typing this while the plumbers are here fixing a leak that has apparently been going on for quite some time. With all the packing and running around we've been doing, this is just bad timing. On the other hand, better to find out now than to come home from China with the basement ceiling falling down! This is our final weekend to relax. I actually cried a bit last night thinking that this was our last Friday night as just a couple. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond excited about getting Zoe; but I also love my life with just Eric and I (and Herman). I think I just needed to have a transitional moment....the first of many I'm sure!
I had a major shopping find yesterday. Okay, not major but it made me happy. I finally found powered electrolye packets. I had been looking all over for the Pedialyte ones but couldn't find them. Yesterday I found a generic brand at Rite Aid. I also picked up the final med I needed, lice meds (ick, like scabies, ick). I figured that if it was the one drug I didn't bring, it would be the one condition she had :)
Well the plumbers are almost done. Between that and getting our carpets cleaned today, it's been a very expensive Saturday!


bugs parents said...

The first of probably many very expensive Saturdays!!! Wait until you add Zoe to the mix - then the fun really begins - "Mommy, look at this!!! Can I have it? I've always wanted one!!! Please! Please? Please!" It' so hard to so no to such a cute face!

Sorry to hear of the plumbing issues, but I have to agree. My first thought was, "I'm glad this didn't happen while they were in China."

Enjoy your last weekend as a couple and look forward to the great times that are to come as a family. Plus, you have next Friday to look forward to - exhausted, in China and eagerly awaiting Zoe!

Have a great trip! We can't wait to hear all the details! Do me a favor - as you fly to China, tell the TAs to get a move on it if they're not here already!


EJ said...

I am so sorry Kristi!! I am thankful you found this before you left for China! AWater can damage a lot in a VERY short time. I hope now that Saturday is over and hopefully all your last minute chores! I hope you and Eric are enjoying this special time together before you begin the next chapter of your life! It is okay to be emotional your world is changing as much as you want it, it still is a big change! Just enjoy! I can not wait to follow your journey!

Colleen said...

Thank god this happened now and not later when you were gone. Sounds like you are pretty prepared and ready to go. Good luck with your travels. I am so excited to follow your journey.

Karen said...

This happened to us a few years ago right before we left on a two week vacation. As horrible as it is that it happened right before leaving, it is better than during your trip or right when you get home.

Only two more work days!!!!

Dawn said...

Less than 2 days!!! I can't believe it!! We can't wait to finally meet you two at the gate in Dulles!!!!


Ava's Dad said...

Guys have a safe trip, we will be thinking about you. Make sure to let them know we are right behind you.