Wednesday, April 11, 2007


First, don't worry about the broken blind. We're getting cool new ones from Pottery Barn Kids :) This picture doesn't really do it justice but Eric and I put a serious dent into the Visa on Monday. I hadn't allowed myself to do really any clothes shopping for Zoe since we weren't sure if she was going to be a boy or how old she was going to be! It was so fantastic when shopping to finally be able to answer the question, "How old is your baby?" We ended up buying mostly 6-9 month clothes with an occasional 3-6 if it looked big. We live about 8 miles from the Premium outlets so most things came from Osh Kosh and Carters. I did a little ordering from Baby Gap yesterday too :) Our little one may be more of a peanut than I originally thought! We got her medical report today. It seems that at closer to five months she was 12 pounds. I'm not sure really of the dates though since the evaluation and blood work were done on two separate days and I'm not sure which is which. It looks like she's on the 10th percentile for Southern Chinese girls in all areas (weight, height, head circumference). Now Eric and I are not large people, but we're not petite ones either :) I think we may have a gymnast or a super quick soccer forward (my personal preference :) ) on our hands. The medical report is all in Chinese except for the list our agency gave us of medical features with the words "normal" next to it. I was going to have an international adoption doctor look at the file but I don't really know what information he could give us. She looks alert (and is looking into the camera.good sign..had to note that as a school psychologist). I am having a friend who is fluent in Mandarin look over the report just to make sure that something wasn't left untranslated....but it would have to be something HUGE to cause us concern and even then, we're already so in love with her. My mom is coming over tonight to see the pictures of her first grandchild tonight. I can't wait for her to see Zoe and all her adorableness.
The past few days have been a blur. If I did minimal work while waiting the past few days for the referral, I'm really doing nothing now. I think about this little girl all the time. I did not think that I would be a person who got attached to a picture. I really just don't bond like that. However, I was walking Herman yesterday and had to cut it short so I could go back and see her little face again. It's like the high you get when you're first falling in love. It's so wonderful. I can't tell you how lucky we feel. We also got hard copies of our pictures today so I immediately went to Target and made copies on the Kodak machine. My super great secret pal Magi had given me a photo key chain a while back and I'm going to put Zoe's picture in it so she's with me now no matter where I go. I think about Zoe's birth mother a lot too and wonder what wonderful features Zoe got from each of her birth parents. I hope they have peace with their decision to give her away, and I hope they can somehow sense that their daughter is going to be so loved by us.


EJ said...

I LOVE IT!! Bring on the shopping! It looks like you and Eric really did put a dent into the wardrobe building. How fun! I am so happy she is a little peanut, just means you get to snuggle her a lot!! I am just so happy to hear each detail you share!!


Karen said...

I love all that pink. Shopping is one of my favorite things and shopping for little girl's clothes well that just might be my favorite things of all time. So if you need some shopping pals I'm sure you can find one or two.

Now you and Eric know the meaning of the saying "Love at First Sight".

Anonymous said...

You had me a soccer!!! You had me at soccer!!!

Wow it really does look like you guys put a dent in the wordrobe dept. The two of you must be having a blast.


Anonymous said...

So fun. So much cute stuff. How special that you feel so connected. I have to admit that I keep going back to look at her photos and she gets more adorable each time. I agree with you about how directly she is looking at the camera. With regards to the clothes, you're not nearly in the same league as Ellen yet, and I have not seen Karen's stuff, but it looks like you're rapidly on your way - if you take up Karen's offer to go shopping I am sure that they could put more of a "dent" in the cc - so far it looks really just like a "ding". Make sure we all get little wallet copy photos of her too please. Has your mom not seen the photos yet? That's going to be a really special moment. I love that you're experiencing all this. Love, Melanie (aka SAM)

Kristi said...

Shawn, you crack me up. And anyone who wants to go on a shopping spree (I imagine there will be some takers on this next month :) ), just let me know!

EJ said...

Kristi, I would love to be counted in for the Shopping Spree. Also one of my favorite pasttimes! Heck a girl can NEVER have to many clothes!! Who knows we might get a boy and then I am really going to NEED to Shop!


Karen said...

I'm always in for a shopping spree. Don't worry my mom taught me well, I find some great bargains. :)

Anonymous said...

I want to shopping spree too....
If Ellen gets a boy, then I call dibs on the clothes :-) Who wants dibs on my clothes if we get a boy? Okay, I just bought two pairs of shoes, one in size 10 and one in size 11, it will be years before they fit her but they were so cute - little Stride Rites for a GREAT price. Bring on the shopping although with everything David keeps wanting to spend on the stupid house I am not going to have money left for the clothes!
Love, Melanie